Dining In

  ”We have been booking villas for 15 years. This is the best one so far. Fatima is the full-time chef and Souad serves, cleans and generally helps out. They were both fantastic! I was worried that it may be a bit intrusive to have full-time staff at the property. Not at all! I got used to it after just a day. Breakfast is included and will be more than you can eat. Dinner couldn’t be better value. We stayed in 13 our of 14 nights! I never thought that would happen”

When dining in at Dar Tamazerte you will have a choice of locations. Whether you choose to dine inside or on one of the outside terraces, your table will be laid with fresh flowers, linen table napkins and fine china.


Breakfast is included in the rental and will normally consist of fresh fruit salad, freshly squeezed orange juice,  homemade breads and pancakes, a selection of speciality honey and jams, yoghurt and tea or coffee. Breakfast can be served in a variety of locations at a time that fits in with your plans. Just let Latifa know when and where you would like to eat.

Lunch & Dinner

Please let Fatima know if you would like lunch and / or dinner and if you have any special dietary requirements. She will then prepare two courses for lunch and three courses for dinner. There are a variety of options for dining including the top terrace, the main terrace, the garden terrace, the dining room and the pool area. Please let Latifa know where you would prefer to eat.

The cost of lunch is £15 and dinner is £25 per person which will be collected at the end of your stay. Children under 10 year of age receive a 50% discount. There is no charge for children under 2 years of age.

We offer a selection of house wines and premium wines from £10  per bottle.